Operational Lead - Food Start-up Functie



Our goal is to make great food and have fun while doing it.

We’re a food start-up that makes everything in-house.
From our dough to dumplings and from kimchi to sauces for our festivals or clients.

This allows us to constantly push our own product and, hopefully, improve it. Thanks to this quality we’ve got partnerships with top dogs: Colruyt Group, Tomorrowland, Paradise City, Coeur Catering and many others.

Davai started with us, Ruslan and Maybritt, two (back then) students that wanted to bring plants back in plant-based instead of mimicking meat. Dumplings are perfect for this: easy to prepare, can pack a lot of veggies and very cool to work with. We started at our kitchen table, making 500 dumplings per day.

Now we’ve got our own atelier where we make 30.000 dumplings per shift.


If a street food restaurant and food-startup had a baby, it would be our cousin. We believe in a flat structure because working together is easier and more fun if you feel that everyone is your equal.

That’s why everyone in Davai has worked in the kitchen, mopped floors, made dough and dumplings. Everyone has their responsibilities and departments, but no one is too ‘high up’ to help someone else when it’s needed. We are a small team, so we should be able to lean on each other!

The workload and atmosphere are very diverse. Our spring-summers are peak moments with festivals, events and production all flowing through each other. In autumn-winter we plan for next year and are mostly working in the office + kitchen.


A big part of the future of Davai will be in events, festivals, OOH-experiences pop-ups and maybe even permanent locations.

These projects need people that feel excited about doing this and want to deliver something cool and exciting for the team and for the people involved. That’s why this open position is about finding that key person that can kickstart & structure these projects and later lead team(s) to keep them running well.

You don’t need to become our family and we won’t ask whether you’re a “rockstar agile superhero”.

We’re looking for someone who has experience with project management and loves working with people in higher pressure environments.

This means horeca, events, start-ups or any experiences you can link to these traits!

Jouw profiel

Experiences necessary - or proof that you have experience with related topics:

  • Able to make daily / weekly plannings for multiple events and projects.
  • Able to take charge and responsibility of a project. ex: a production day of dumplings, running a festival or improving the back-end of our production files.
  • Able to write, classify and report income and expenses, work with accountancy software.
  • Able to work independently on projects and start your own once all skills and processes are learned.
  • Understand basic accountancy and being able to report to or from the accountant.
  • Able to work with excels for cost, stock and other calculations for project related tasks.
  • Being able to analyse workflows, check these for efficiency + being able to implement (not just consult) changes to improve these.
  • Basic HR + payroll administration - approving and checking student and employee contracts.

Knowledge/possessions necessary:

  • B Drivers License
  • B2+ in Dutch and English - French is a plus, any other is a cool brag
  • 2 years+ experience in work environments as described above. Does not have to be full time, part-time all contribute.
  • Bachelor or Master (this is NOT really a must - if you’re one of those people that chose life experience above scholar experience: tell us about the things you did to ‘substitute’ this.)

Software we use - we can teach you but the more you know, the better for both!

  • Odoo
  • Officient
  • Google Workspace
  • Microsoft Office
  • Notion
  • SBBSlim
  • (Not required) Canva, Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightroom, TikTok & Meta For Business
  • Domein: Planning
  • Risico's op onderbrekingen in de productieketen identificeren
    Preventieve of corrigerende oplossingen bepalen
  • De opvolging en de actualisatie van databanken met referenties, stuklijsten, ... superviseren
  • Voorraadbeheer en de bevoorrading van werkplaatsen, productielijnen en machines superviseren
  • Domein: Continue verbetering
  • Productiestromen en het beheers- en opvolgingssysteem bepalen
  • Domein: Bevoorrading
  • Een project leiden
  • Leveranciers of dienstverleners selecteren
    Onderhandelen over contractvoorwaarden
    De geleverde diensten of producten controleren
  • De activiteiten van een team coördineren
    Een organisatie leiden
  • Voorwaarden voor leveringen aan klanten bepalen
  • De uitvoerbaarheid van de bestellingen bestuderen
    De capaciteit en de beschikbaarheid van productiemiddelen, materialen, ... bepalen



Full transparency on salary: we’re a start-up so we’re working with a budget. To give a ballpark estimation: all our salaries are in the range of 2 300 – 3 000 brut. Your salary will be based on barema and experience in Davai and before.

This will also be discussed more in detail in the first screening, so if you have questions or certain needs and expectations, please share them and let’s see what we can do!

All other things:

  • You will join a start-up as a key person with decision-making power after the training period.
  • Fair remuneration based on your experience / previous work.
  • 6 month contract with extension and possibility to fixed contract after positive evaluation from both sides.
  • As many dumplings as you can eat
  • Our Lead product is a hobby chef who often cooks for the whole team at lunchtime (including desserts & cookies)
  • Possibility of flexible working weeks + WFH options!


Ruslan Podgaetskiy

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